The Black Health Agenda
Dear Friends,
Our communities continue to suffer because of HIV and AIDS. More than 40 percent of new HIV infections in the United States occur among Black Americans, even though we represent only 13 percent of the population.
As people of faith, we know that the first steps toward reversing this situation are prayer and education. And we know that our faith communities – be they churches, mosques, or individuals coming together to worship – have been the foundation for our survival since our ancestors first stepped foot upon this land.
This is why I am grateful that The Balm In Gilead is, once again, organizing the National Week of Prayer for the Healing AIDS. I am most thankful that many of you — faith communities, community organizations, and individuals will join us by mobilizing your constituents through prayer and education during the week.
By popular demand, The Balm will present “The Doctor and The Preacher,” a live, virtual conversation between a faith leader and a medical doctor who will discuss the current impact of HIV among African Americans. These discussions will take place at 12noonET on Monday, March 5, Tuesday, March 6 and Wednesday, March 7.
We also invite you to inform us about how your place of worship or organization will observe the week of prayer, so that we can include you in our online directory.

Monday, March 6 – Scientific Update on HIV

Tuesday, March 7 – HIV and Mental Health

Wednesday, March 8 – Black Women and HIV

Rev. Stephanie is a St. Louis, MO native, whose faith was nurtured at St. John AMEC on the “Kingshighway”. Rev. Stephanie has served the AMEC in various capacities on the local, conference, and district level. Rev. Stephanie earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Social Work from Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, Normal, AL; Master of Social Work with a concentration in Mental Health and Gerontology from Washington University, St. Louis, MO; and Master of Divinity degree from United Theological Seminary, Dayton, OH.
Rev. Stephanie has pastored Allen Chapel AMEC, Hannibal, MO and Bethel AMEC, Louisiana, MO. She currently pastors The Historic St. Paul AMEC, Columbia, MO. Rev. Stephanie is bi-vocational and has served as a mental health professional and in the field of Social Work for 12 years. Rev. Stephanie has a heart for the people and is committed to meeting them exactly where they are.