The Balm In Gilead is partnering with churches around the country in the Save Legs, Change Lives campaign to spread awareness about Peripheral Artery Disease, also known as PAD. With PAD, the arteries in the body become clogged or narrow, causing less blood flow to the legs and feet.

Black Americans are more than twice as likely as other groups to experience PAD. Additionally, our communities have lower rates of access to preventative care. Most tragically, Black Americans are twice as likely to experience amputation of a limb due to PAD.

Because amputation can often be postponed or avoided when treatment is provided right away, The Balm In Gilead has developed educational materials and is presenting live screening events for congregations and their surrounding communities. Learn more about PAD and upcoming screening events.

Scan the QR code or click here to visit Save Legs, Change

This program is supported by Janssen.