Southeast Diabetes
Faith Initiative
About SDFI
The Southeast Diabetes Faith Initiative (SDFI) is a 5-state faith-based project designed to expand access and utilization of the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP). The goal of this multi-faceted initiative is to create a sustainable infrastructure within faith-based institutions to effectively deliver diabetes prevention curriculum and education to designated populations within the following geographic areas: Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.
These faith-based diabetes prevention programs are developed and implemented to help support the prevention of Type 2 diabetes and improve the management of the disease for those living with diabetes.
The SDFI Diabetes Prevention Programs (DPP) hosted by our local faith partners support communities and individuals to live healthier in mind, body and spirit. The Balm In Gilead also provide technical assistance and resources to faith partners, which strengthens their capacity to become health promotion and disease prevention centers for their members and the communities they serve.
National Diabetes Alert Day
March 24, 2020 is National Diabetes Alert Day. The Balm In Gilead and our Southeast Diabetes Faith Initiative partners asks you to join us as we send a “wake-up call” about the impacts of Diabetes on families and communities across the country.
More than 30 million Americans have diabetes while another 84 million have prediabetes. This is a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. For African Americans and other minority communities, the need to take action is even more important as these groups disproportionately being impacted.
Click on a state below to learn more about what The Balm is doing to combat Diabetes through culturally tailored faith-based diabetes prevention programs offered through its Southeast Diabetes Faith Initiative (SDFI). This lifestyle change program is an evidenced-based program that has been proven to cut the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes by up to 58% (71% for person ages 60 and over). Enrollment is open today for Summer/Fall classes. Sign-up for our mailing list to learn more about joining a SDFI-NDPP near you!
It is also important that we understand the risk of Diabetes. If you – or someone you love – is living with other chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure or obesity you may be at increased risk for type 2 diabetes. Take this easy and quick online Diabetes Risk Test. You can also download and print a copy of the risk test here!